Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dia de Nieve!! A Snow Day!!!

Hoy fue un dia lleno de nieve y de diversion, y asi fue como empezamos, los niños se levantaron y se metieron en mi cama.

Today was a day with tons of snow and full of fun, the kids came to my bedroom and got in my bed.

Cuando estabamos listos fuimos afuera a jugar en la nieve. caminar en la nieve fresca es muy dificil, pero a los niños no les importo porque estaban super contentos con la primer tormenta del invierno.
When we were ready we went outside to play with the snow, walking through the fresh snow was hard but the kids didn't care, they were very excited about our first big snow storm.

Un rato despues Vanessa ya habia tenido suficiente y se puso a llorar, como pueden ver Anthony solo queria seguir jugando, yo trate de ignorar a Vanessa. Le dije a Andrew que viniera a jugar y me dice: mami no puedo dejar a Vanessa sola, ella esta trizte.
A while latter Vanessa was crying because it was to cold. Anthony just wanted to keep playing. Andrew was worried about Vanessa, and I was just trying to ignore her. I called Andrew to come and play, his answer? "mami I can't leave Vanessa she is sad and wants to go inside".

Cuando voltie a ver donde estaban, Andrew estaba ayudando a Vanessa, la estaba acompañando adentro, ese niño mio tiene un corazon grandisimo.
When I turned around I saw Andrew helping Vanessa, he was taking her inside, that boy of mine has a big heart.

Me dio pesar y fuy a llevar a mi bebe adentro para cambiarla y ponerla junto a la chimenea para que se calentara.
I felt bad for my baby and I took her inside to change her and put her in front of our fire place.

Cuando estabamos ya cambiados y calienticos empezamos a hacer galletas de navidad. La navidad es mucho mas divertida con los niños ellos siempre le ponen la magia para hacerla mas especial, como pueden ver esta fue su parte mas favorita del dia.
When we were inside dry and warm we made Christmas cookies. Christmas is so much fun with the kids, they make it very special and magical. making cookies was their favorite part of the day.

Despues de cocinarlas los niños decoraron sus galletas y comieron algunas.
When the cookies were ready, we decorated them, and ate some too.

El resultado final. Tuvimos un dia lleno de diversion.
And the end result? Happy babies and yummy cookies. We had a day full of fun.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Esta es mi nueva sobrinita, nacio hace casi dos meses y tiene a sus padres enbobados, ah, y a los abuelos y tios y tias tambien, es preciosa y la princesa de la casa. Extraño demaciado a mi familia, creerian que despues de casi 9 años seria mas facil estar lejos, pero no, es mas dificil, extraño toda la diversion, las fiestas familiares, cumpleaños, etc. Sip los extraño mucho mas, solo oro para que pronto podamos ir a visitarlos nuevamente y disfrutar de su compañia. A Vivi y Erik los felicitamos con todo nuestro corazon por la nueva adicion en la familia. Esperamos verlos pronto para poder disfrutar de esos bebes preciosos!!
So this is Melany my new nice, as you can see she is adorable, she was born October 4th. She's got her dad wrapped around her finger already, oh and grandma and grandpa too. I wish I was there to enjoy these babies too. I miss my family way too much, you would think that after almost 9 years of being away it would get easier, but no, it doesn't, I actually can say that it gets harder, missing all the fun, family gatherings, birthdays. Yep I still miss them as much if not more. I just pray that we will be able to go soon to se them all.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cogiendo Manzanas!! Apple Picking!!

Hace unas semanas atras llevamos a los niños a coger manzanas, octubre siempre es el mes de las manzanas, la ultima vez que fuimos Anthony solo tenia un año. Los niños se diviertieron muchisimo y ya me dijeron qe quieren ir cada año.Andrew queria coger las que habian en la parte mas alta del arbol y la unica manera que podia llegar hasta arriba era subiendosele en los hombros de papi.
A few weeks ago we went apple picking, we've done it only ones before and Anthony was only 1 year old, so it was time to go back, this time was so much better, the kids had so much fun, especially Andrew as you can see he only wanted the ones that were on top of the tree and the solution to that was Brian, I'm so glad he came with us!!!

Anthony se la paso cogiendo manzanas de la parte de abajo del arbol, lo que a Brian le parecio muy bien porque el pesa mucho y el pobre papi no habria podido aguantar con el en sus hombros. Anthony esta muy grande y en esta foto se pueden dar cuenta.

Anthony only wanted the ones close to him, which was great because Brian wouldn't be able to carry him, he is very heavy. I love this picture you can see how big my boy is getting, he doesn't have a baby face any more :(

Coger manzanas sin Vecino no seria lo mismo, el se divertio mas que los niños y como se pueden imaginar siempre cuidando de Vanessa.

It wouln't be the same with out Vecino, We love having him aroung he makes everything much better and as you can imagine he was always making sure that Vanessa was ok.

Brian se estaba divirtiendo mucho cogiendo las manzanas, tanto es asi que me toco sacarlo porque no teniamos donde poner mas. Nuestra amiga Erin tambien estuvo con nosotros.

Brian was having a lot of fun so much so that we had to get him away of the apple trees. Our good friend Erin also came to get some apples. We had a Great Time!!!

Fue una Noche de Hogar muy Divertida!! It was a Great Family Home Evening Activity!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Oh Baby!!!!

I'm an Auntie again!!! yep my beautiful sister Viviana just had her baby, we are very excited, Melany is her name and I can't wait to see pictures of her. I'll post some as soon as I get them.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Feliz Cumpleaños mi Amor!! Happy Birthday my Love!!!

Hoy estamos celebrando el cumpleaños numero 31 de Honey. Un hombre maravillosos que me ha dado una familia hermosa. Un hombre que siempre le pone diversion a las cosas diarias, y que siempre me hace reir con sus cosas.

Today we are celebrating Brian's 31st Birthday. I love you Honey so much, you have given me a beautiful family and you always make laugh.

El saber que estaremos juntos por la eternidad me hace sentir muy feliz porque se que tengo un esposo maravilloso.

Knowing that we will be together for ever makes Very Happy because I know that I have a wonderful husband.

Tambien eres una padre espectacular que siempre esta listo para divertirte con tu hijos.

Always ready to have some fun with the boys.

Y al mismo tiempo lo suficientemente tierno y amoroso para disfrutar de tu princesa.

And at the same time gentle enough to love your Princess.

Por todas estas cosas y muchas mas te amamos muchisisisimo y te queremos decir que te deseamos un muy feliz cumpleaños!!!

For all of those things and many more we love you
very much and we want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hijo de Tigre.....!! Like Father like....!!

Hijo de Tigre sale pintado y en esta ocacion es Vanessa quien decidio hacerle compañia a papi, el domingo pasado Septiembre 6 despues de llegar de la iglesia y de haber tenido la fiesta de cumpleaños de Andrew el dia anterior todos estabamos un poco cansados, pero era domingo del almuerzo de los misioneros asi que llegamos y yo me puse a hacer el almuerzo, pasada una hora le pedi a todos que por favor ayudaran a poner los platos y cubiertos en la mesa, pero no vi a Vanessa o Brian ayudando asi que fue a ver que era lo que pasaba y me encuentro con este cuadro, los dos tomando una siesta, descansando mientras mami y los niños organizan todo para el almuerzo, me parecio tan lindo que no pude despertarlos, eso si Vanessa esta aprendiendo de su papa.!! Amo a mi familia con todo mi corazon y momentos como este son preciosos!!

Like Father Like Daughter.. Well this last Sunday after church and after Andrew's B-Party the day before we were a little tired, but it was the Sunday to make lunch for the missionaries, so when we got home I started getting things ready for lunch, a while letter I asked for help to set the table, but I only see the boys helping, so off I go looking for Vanessa and Brian, and this is what I found, It was adorable, I couldn't resist and I had to take a picture and let them rest, I guess that is the way Brian bonds with his baby girl, and she is a fast learner.!! I love my family so much and moments like this make every moment precious!!

En otras noticias el primer dia de escuela de Vanessa fue el martes, como pueden ver estaba super contenta y ahora me vuelve loca porque sus clases no empiezan sino hasta la tarde entonces esta toda la mañana preguntando cada 10 minutos "ya es hora de irnos mami?". Mi muñequita ya esta creciendo y se ve preciosa.

In other news Vanessa's first day of school was this last Tuesday, she was very excited, she is still in pre-school, but the older class so she goes in the afternoon, and she is driving me crazy asking every 10 minutes if is time to go to school yet, yep the monrnings get very long. I love her pose in this picture, so ready to go en learn new stuff!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Feliz Cumpleaños Andrew !!!

Andrew nacio el 5 de septiembre del 2003 a las 2:22 de la tarde.
mi unico monito de la familia, es el que mas ayuda a mami en la casa y al mismo tiempo el que mas se queja, si las cosas no salen como las ha planeado se enoja, todo tiene que salir bien, le encanta leer y lo hace muy bien en ingles y español, le encanta jugar y cuidar de los niños mas pequeños y lo mejor de todo es el mas apegado a mi, siempre me busca para que lo carge y lo abrase, no puedo creer que ya tenga seis años y que este en primer grado. Estamos muy agradecidos con Nuestro Padre Celestial por la bendicion tan grande que nos dio al enviarnos a nuestro bebe. Te deseamos un muy feliz cumpleaños, te amamos muchisimo!!!

My Andrew was born on September 5th of 2003 at 2:22, He is 6 years old, and I just want to tell you a little bit about my boy:
*first of he is mamas boy, he looks for mommy to get some hugs and kisses, he says 'I just need some loves mommy ',
*he loves having money and is pretty good about saving too,
*loves playing and taking care of babies,
*everything has to go the way is suppose to go if anything changes he gets frustrated,
*loves reading and he does it in English and Spanish and is pretty good at it,
*helps mommy every time I need help,
*and what he loves the most is having friends over to play with.
We love Our baby so much and We are very grateful to Our Father in Heaven for blessing us with his presence. We love you very much Andrew!! We wish you a very happy Birthday!!

Mi foto favorita solo tenia 7 meses y ya comia galletas de chocolate!!

My favorite picture of them all, he was just seven moths and already a big fan of oreo's!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Escuela!! School Again!!

Ayer fue el primer dia de escuela para Anthony y Andrew, asi que como todo al principio estaban muy contentos, y listos a las 7 de la mañana. Vanessa no empieza sino hasta la proxima semana asi que ella ha estado disfrutando de estos dias solita con mami.

Yesterday was our first day of school, so the morning was busy, getting lunches ready for every body even Brian, but it was fun. Vanessa's first day is next week, we had her little friend Rhiannon for a play day and it was very fun. I'm going to miss my boys now that they go all day long. They are just growing way to fast!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fiesta!! Party!!

El cumpleaños de Andrew no es sino hasta el sabado Septiembre 5, pero como hoy todos empezaron la escuela y el queria una fiesta con sus amiguitos entonces la celebramos ayer, fue un dia hermoso, y todos vinieron sin falta a celebrar el cumpleaños de mi bebe, no puedo creer que ya vaya a cumplir 6 años, el tiempo si pasa volando.El se sentia muy imprtante y se divirtio mucho con todos.

So Andrew's Birthday is not until saturday september 5th, but since we all started school today we had a little birthday party with his friends yesterday, it was a perfect day for a party, playing and having fun out side. all of his little friends came over, we played and played, and the moms well we were able to relax and enjoy. I can't believe that my baby is growing so fast, we just want to thank all of our friends for celebrating the birth of our cute boy. Thank you Very much, and we love you!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Adios !! Good Bye!!!

Es un Adios a las llanticas que sostenian a Vanessa en su bicicleta, no puedo creer que mi bebe ya pueda manejar su bicicleta sin ellas anoche jueves 20 de agosto Vanessa pidio que le quitaramos las llantas a su bicicleta para ella montarla, yo no creia que pudiera aprender porque para mi todavia es un bebe y esta muy pequeña, pero ella insistio, asi que Brian vino y las quito, todos salimos a ayudarle con la gran sorpresa que solo la sostuvimos una vez la soltamos y ella siguio solita y no paro de manejar, ahora si es oficial, mi bebe esta creciendo muy rapido y nosotros nos hemos graduado de las llantas de bebes, ya no las nesecitaremos mas.
So last night Vanessa asked me to take her training wheels off her bike, I told her that she could wait until next spring to try with out her little wheels, well she insisted, so much so that I couldn't take it any more and said ok, so we waited for Papi to get home and he did it, we all went out side thinking that she was going to have a hard time, well to our surprise I held her sit and when a let go of her she kept on going, we could not believe our eyes, our little baby is old enough to ride her bike with no training wheels, I felt very sad, that was the moment when I realized that my baby is not a baby any more, and I'm having a hard time getting use to that. We were so proud of her and she is very proud of her self, now she can keep up with the boys in their bikes, and we have graduated from training wheels.

Y aqui va mi bebe en su bicicleta como una niña grande, solo mirenle la carita, esta super orgullosa de si misma. :)

Here she goes, like a big girl, just look at her face, she is so proud of her self . :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Caminata!! Hiking Trip!!

Ahora que mis bebes estan mas grandes disfruto mas de hacer cosas diferentes, me encanta la edad en la que ahora estan mis bebes, es mas divertido y podemos hacer muchas otras cosas mas y a eso hay que agragar que no me necitan las 24 horas del dia. La semana pasada fuimos a una caminata y como siempre es mas divertido traer mas amiguitos para jugar. tambien puden ocuparse de sus propias cosas, definitivamente estoy pasandola muy bien con mis hijos.
Now that my babies are older I've been enjoying more doing things with them, is so much easier going out and do fun stuff, we went hiking last week and we had a lot of fun, and of course is always better when you go with more friends.
I'm really enjoying their older age, they don't need me 24/7 and they can do stuff to help mommy too. I love those babies of mine so much and spending time with them and seeing them grow is the greatest gift that Our Father in Heaven has given me.

Todos se divertieron muchismo.

As you can see they had a great time, and so did we!!!

Arriba, Arriba vamos todos, fue un dia hermoso y estuvimos en muy buena compañia que mas podemos pedir!!!

Up, Up we go, it was a beautiful day and we were in great company, the perfect combination for fun !!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Diversion!!! Fun, Fun, Fun!!

Ya me he quejado de este verano lluvioso, bueno las cosas han mejorado. las ultimas tres semanas han sido grandiosas, el clima ha estado calientico y hemos podido disfrutar mas. Hace dos semanas nuestra amiga de la iglesia Robin nos invito a la casa de su mama, queda junto al lago asi que tienen una pequeña playa, y claro que no podiamos decir no a tan grandiosa oferta, y fuimos y nos divertimos hasta mas no poder. Nos subimos en las canoas y Anthony le queria enseñar a Brian como remar.
I've been complaining about the weather this summer, well these last three weeks or so have been very nice, so when Robin invited us to her mom's house we didn't hesitate and said yes!!, we had a great time, we went in the canoes, Anthony wanted to show papi how is done!!

Tambien fuimos en la moto acuatica como pueden ver los niños no se pierden de nada y quieren tratar de hacer todo lo que pueden. No se querian bajar de ahi.
Also as you can see we went in the water ski, those babies of mine are not afraid of anything, they loved every minute of it, even Vanessa, I guess she does a very good job keeping up with those brothers of hers!!!

Barbara tambien fue con su familia, y aqui esta su preciosa bebe refrescandose.
Barbara also was there with her family, Cute baby Anya trying to get a drink.

Los hijos de Barbara tambien disfrutaron de la moto acuatica.
Barbara's boys also enjoying the water ski.

Paul y Barbara disfrutando del dia hermoso.
Paul and Barb enjoying the beatiful weather.

Yo tambien fuy, yo se, yo se, ya estoy tratando de hacer cosas mas divertidas. y a que no adivinan, me encanto.
I was brave enough to go in the canoe also, and guess what I loved it!!.

Con mi sonrisa lo digo todo. Que divertido!!
My face says it all. How Fun that was!!!

Vanessa siempre lista para una nueva aventura.
Vanessa is always ready to go and get some Fun!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Verano!!! Summer!!!

Hasta ahora este verano ha sido un poco lluvioso, aun asi no hemos dejado de estar ocupados. Celebramos el cumpleaños de la abuela Campbell, todos sus vis-nietos vinieron a estar con ella en su dia.
So far this summer has been a bit rainy, but we still manage to get some fun done, we celebrated Grandma's Birthday and we had a lot of family members here celebrating her day. I think she had fun!!!

Tambien fuimos a los juegos pirocticos del dia de independencia y como pueden ver estaba haciendo un frio terrible, es la primera vez desde que vivo aqui que tenemosque traer cobijas, usualmente hace muchisimo calor, Vanessa tambien aprovecho para hacer caritas chistosas como cosa rara.
We also went to the fire works in Meredith for Independence day, and as you can see it was very cold, is the first time since a live here that we have to bring a blanket, is always been really warm an humid, not this year. And Vanessa of course making funny faces as always.

Tambien hemos ido a la playa cada vez que aparece el sol, su presencia no ha sido muy frecuente, asi que cada vez que lo vemos salir nos organizamos y vamos a la playa. Anthony y Andrew han estado en clases de natacion las ultimas dos semanas y ahora se divierten mucho en el agua, han aprendido mucho y les encanta mostrarme sus habilidades acuatica, hahahahaha!!, algunos amiguitos de vez en cuando vienen tambien a jugar con nosotros en la playa.

Any time the sun comes out we get ready to go to the beach, the sunny weather has not made its presence very often, also the boys have been getting their swimming lessons done for the last two weeks, and they've learn a lot, now they enjoy playing in the water more and often they show me their new swimming abilities, we also have been going with Barbara and her babies, and some other friends from church, is always more fun having other kids to play with, and grown ups to talk to.