Ya me he quejado de este verano lluvioso, bueno las cosas han mejorado. las ultimas tres semanas han sido grandiosas, el clima ha estado calientico y hemos podido disfrutar mas. Hace dos semanas nuestra amiga de la iglesia Robin nos invito a la casa de su mama, queda junto al lago asi que tienen una pequeña playa, y claro que no podiamos decir no a tan grandiosa oferta, y fuimos y nos divertimos hasta mas no poder. Nos subimos en las canoas y Anthony le queria enseñar a Brian como remar.
I've been complaining about the weather this summer, well these last three weeks or so have been very nice, so when Robin invited us to her mom's house we didn't hesitate and said yes!!, we had a great time, we went in the canoes, Anthony wanted to show papi how is done!!
Also as you can see we went in the water ski, those babies of mine are not afraid of anything, they loved every minute of it, even Vanessa, I guess she does a very good job keeping up with those brothers of hers!!!
Barbara also was there with her family, Cute baby Anya trying to get a drink.
Barbara's boys also enjoying the water ski.
Paul and Barb enjoying the beatiful weather.
Yo tambien fuy, yo se, yo se, ya estoy tratando de hacer cosas mas divertidas. y a que no adivinan, me encanto.
I was brave enough to go in the canoe also, and guess what I loved it!!.
Con mi sonrisa lo digo todo. Que divertido!!
My face says it all. How Fun that was!!!
Vanessa siempre lista para una nueva aventura.
Vanessa is always ready to go and get some Fun!!!
What a fun, fun time you all had.
Great pictures. And by the way...YOU my dear, look MUY CALIENTE! :)
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