Sunday, February 15, 2009

Derriten mi Corazon!! Melts my heart!!!

Esto es lo que drrite mi corazon, los dibujos que mis bebes hacen para mi, flores, corazones y cartas. Esto me alegra el dia. Estos regalitos no tienen precio!!!

I'm sure that all of you moms feel the same way. Pictures like these from my kids melt my heart, they write letters, draw pictures, and I love it, they make my day. Gifts like these.. Priceless!!!!

Anthony hizo estos dibujos para mi hace unos dias y espero que nunca deje de hacerlo!!

Anthony made these pictures for me a couple of days ago, and I hope he will never stop!!!

Este fue un trabajo en equipo, Andrew dibujo el corazon y lo corto y Vanessa le puso un poco de color. ME ENCANTAN!!!

This one was a team effort, Andrew drew and cut the heart, and Vanessa put some color on it. I LOVE THEM!!!


Wiggles said...

You are so right. I love when I get things from the kids. And yes it certainly does tug at the heart strings. My house is full of pictures and things the kids have given me that I can't seem able to part with.

Cindi said...

These are so beautiful! The ones you keep forever...there is no card from the store that can even come close to the sweetness and love you feel from children's creations.

Homeschool Mom said...

I know Tyler is 14, but my favorite things are when he walks by me and puts his hand on my arm, or he will hold my hand. I love it!


Undaunted said...

They are wonderful. My house is peppered with them. Love ya