So last night Vanessa asked me to take her training wheels off her bike, I told her that she could wait until next spring to try with out her little wheels, well she insisted, so much so that I couldn't take it any more and said ok, so we waited for Papi to get home and he did it, we all went out side thinking that she was going to have a hard time, well to our surprise I held her sit and when a let go of her she kept on going, we could not believe our eyes, our little baby is old enough to ride her bike with no training wheels, I felt very sad, that was the moment when I realized that my baby is not a baby any more, and I'm having a hard time getting use to that. We were so proud of her and she is very proud of her self, now she can keep up with the boys in their bikes, and we have graduated from training wheels.
Y aqui va mi bebe en su bicicleta como una niña grande, solo mirenle la carita, esta super orgullosa de si misma. :)
Here she goes, like a big girl, just look at her face, she is so proud of her self . :)