Monday, March 29, 2010

FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!!! HAPPY 5th Brithday Vanessa!!! HAPPY 8th Birthday Anthony!!!

Marzo 28 del 2005, fue el dia en el que mi bebe nacio, y ayer fue su cumpleaños numero 5, el sabado lo celebramos con sus amiguitos y todos nos divertimos muchisimo. Esta es una de mis fotos favoritas, y dejenme les cuento la historia de esta foto: hace una semana fuy con ellos al almacen a comprar un regalo para un amiguito de Andrew, y empese a notar que todos nos miraban y se sonreian, yo no podia entender el porque la gente estaba siendo tan amigable, pero cuando voltie a asegurarme que todos tres estuvieran junto a mi vi a Vanessa con esas gafas y una gran sorisa en su carita hay fue cuando entendi porque tanta gente se sonreia con nosotros. Mi Princesa trae alegria a nuestra familia y le agradesco mucho a mi Padre Celestial por tantas bendiciones.
Yesterday we celebrated Vanessa's 5th birthday, we had a big Birthday Party with her friends on Saturday, and boy we had a lot of fun. This picture is one of my Favorites, and let me tell you the story behind it: I went to the store a week ago with the three kids, not knowing she was wearing those flamingo glasses, I noticed people looking at us and smiling, I couldn't understand why they were being so friendly, and when I turned around to make sure the kids were with me I saw Vanessa with this glasses and a huge smile in her little face, then I knew why people were looking at us, couldn't' help it but to smile back and take a picture. She brings such happiness to our family and we are very grateful to our Heavenly Father for sending her to our family. We love our Princess so very much.

A que no adivinan quien se va a bautizar pronto. No puedo creer que mi Anthony ya vaya a cumplir 8 años, el 30 de marzo, es el gran dia de mi bebe, mañana ya sera un niño grande y podra ir a los scouts. Anthony esta muy contento por su bautizo y no ve la hora de hacer sus convenios con Nuestro Padre Celestial. He tenido tantas bendiciones en mi vida y una de ellas es poder tener la oportunidad de enseñar el evangelio a mis hijos, y me da mucha alegria saber que mi Anthony quiere seguir a Nuestro Padre Celestial y servirle a El. Abril 11 a las 2:00 de la terde sera su bautizo, y todos los dias el dice que no puede esperar mas.!!!!

Guess who is getting baptize soon. I can't believe my Anthony is about to turn 8, March 30th is the big day for my baby, tomorrow he will be able to go to scouts and he is very excited. It seems like yesterday that we brought our first boy home from the hospital, and now we are getting everything ready for his baptism. He is such a sweet boy, always helping his relatives, and loves to snuggle with mommy. I am very proud of my boy, and the decision he has made to follow the Savior, he is very happy and excited about his baptism and can't hardly wait, April 11 at 2pm is the big day, and every day he talks about it, that makes me very happy. We are so bless to have the gospel in our lives, and being able to teach it to our kids is one of the greatest blessings our Heavenly Father has giving me.
Last saturday we celebrated his birthday with his friends and he had a lot of fun too!!

1 comment:

Undaunted said...

Congradulations! I can't believe my baby Sam is getting baptized May 1st! Wish we could be there for the big day. Love ya