Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pobre Vanessa!!! Poor Vanessa!!!

Pobre Vanessa en los ultimos tres años la han picado los sancudos y siempre en su ojito. Mi pobre Bebe es demaciado dulce para los mosquitos. Ahora cada vez que veo un sancudo volando lo aplasto en revancha, pensando que tal vez fue ese el que mordio a mi bebe. Pero aun asi se ve hermosa!!!
So my poor baby for the last three years has been bit by a black fly, and is always around her little eyes, now every time I see one of those animals I have to go after them so they wont get my baby any more. Obviously she is very sweet, she still looks very cute!!!


Sargent Family said...

poor baby!!!

Undaunted said...

Poor girl! Alex is the same way. Puffs up like a balloon. I hope she feel better soon.

Cindi said...

She IS still cute...poor little thing!

Steve & Missy said...

Poor girl, is her eye doing better? Those darn flies!

Anonymous said...

Ouch, makes me want to sratch my eye!