Mis Bebes Lindos!! My Cute Babys!!!
Debido al alto precio se la gasolina donde vivimos Brian opto por comprar una motocicleta pequeña, porque esta gastando mucho dinero en su camioneta, como pueden imaginarse los niños estan locos con el nuevo juguete de papi, y esta semana salieron a jugan como siempre, que risa la que me dio cuando los llame a almorzar y vi a Anthony utilizado el casco del papa, mis hijos son muy chistosos!! :)Due to high gas prices Brian got a little motorcycle, he was spending a lot of money in gas for his truck, so this last week the kids were playing out while I was m
aking their lunch, when I call them to come in I saw Anthony wearing Brian's helmet, I was laughing so much, and of course I had to take this picture. :)Una fotico de mi bebe, no puedo creer lo grande que esta. :(This is just a cute picture of my baby, I can't believe how big she is getting. :(
I love you and your beautiful family! You are wonderful.
Scott and I were laughing so hard at the photo with Anthony and the helmet! HOW FUNNY!! The picture of Vanessa should be up on one of your walls!!!! It is such a cute and beautiful picture of her!
It's so fun to have boys! Aidan would do the same thing! BEAUTIFUL picture of Vanessa!
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