Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mi Hijo Gruñon!!! My Grumpy little Boy!!!

Todos en casa aun no han visto a Andrew cuando se pone gruñon, y dejenme decirles, la moyoria de las veces es asi, no le gusta las fotos, y por todo se queja. Aunque tambien debo decirles que es el payaso de la casa y siempre esta haciendo bromas, especialmente a su hermano y hermana. Es muy raro verlo de bueno humor, que cuando lo esta es muy divertido. Esta foto me hace reir mucho, esa es la cara que siempre pone cuando esta de malas. :)

For all of you that know my little Andrew already know that he is my grumpy baby, last week we went to the beach and I was trying to take a good picture of both of us, (he doesn't like to get his picture taking), and this is want I got, his face says it all, that's the face that I get every time he is in a bad mood (which is pretty much all the time)

Finalmente pude tomar una buena foto de nosotros dos, a el casi no le gusta sonreir en las fotos, pero creo que esta quedo bien!!! al parecer estaba de buen genio ese dia. :)

Finally I was able to get a good picture a couple of days latter, I think he was having fun that day. (is so hard to be Andrew).!! I love my baby so much!!!!


Cindi said...

Oh, Mariluz, your children are so beautiful1 And I promise that some day, that little pouty picture of you and Andrew will be one of your very favorites...a good one to show his fiancee some day!!! I love it!!!

Michelle said...

Kids grow up so fast. I can't believe how fast yours have grown. They are cute kids.